Dept. of Heritage Science and Technology Studies

Educational objectives

In order to systematically identify the value of cultural heritage and continuously preserve and utilize it, the Department of Heritage Conservation and Restoration aims to cultivate competitive experts in the area of cultural heritage repair and restoration through an unparalleled education system of cultural heritage repair, preservation, and restoration techniques, and providing in-depth education in each area together with convergence programs on measures to prevent the damage and loss of cultural property, traditional materials, and other related subjects. Through this, professionals with practical skills in preservation, repair, and restoration of cultural assets, essential for the succession and development of national culture, are produced every year. Moreover, practical education programs linked to different majors have been strengthened to respond to the rapidly changing international environment, contributing to the preservation of cultural property.

Educational content

The Department of Heritage Conservation and Restoration offers a two-track system of 1) research-oriented and yet practical research courses, and 2) practical courses with a focus on training of field-level practical skills. This enables students to choose what they learn and enhances the selective specialty of the degree courses. Specifically, the research track fosters an R&D-orientation through in-depth research by majors of architecture, landscaping, or urban engineering, and those majors related to preservation and restoration. The practical track provides retraining of hands-on personnel involved in various works in the field concerning cultural property, and develop students into specialists with both theory and practical skills for adaptation to the field. Also available is a “specialized research track” where students working towards a degree can personally participate in academic studies or specialized training as researchers or hands-on practitioners through an education-practical work linkage system with domestic and foreign research institutes or businesses related to traditional culture. This is meant to reinforce the abilities of all degree students to actively handle cultural property when working in the field.

How to complete the course

※Complete the curriculum application target (college number) and required/selective courses (major, non-major, and liberal arts)

general principles
  • Application target: Application from 2024 school year
  • Credit for completion: 24 credits for master's program and 36 credits for Ph.D. (30 credits for master's program in 2020-2023 and 39 credits for Ph.D.)
  • Curriculum: Only master's courses are operated as research courses and practical courses.
  • Classification of subjects: Common, mandatory, and major (common, optional).
  • Common courses must be completed by both masters and doctors (Theory of Preservation Technique in Cultural Heritage)
  • Required completion after entering the 2017 school year (research course, practical course)
  • Provided, That cases where PhD students have taken the "Cultural Property Investigation Theory and Methodology" are excluded.
  • Only up to 12 credits are accepted for professional research courses.
  • Students admitted before 2020 are required to complete the 'Major and Doctoral Paper Research'
Choose major
  • When completing other major courses, it is recognized as an elective major for each degree as follows.
    · within 4 master's courses (12 credits) / Within 6 Ph.D. (18 credits)

Course Introduction

Course Introduction
Classification Subject Name Method of completion
  • Theory of Preservation Technique in Cultural Heritage
  • Specialized research course
  • Department of Heritage Conservation And Restoration
  • PBL Ⅰ·Ⅱ
  • Up to 8 months and 12 credits for professional research courses are accepted.

* Notes to be noted
is required for major and must be completed as an alternative course.

Major Select Degree Program in Architecture · Landscape Architecture · Urbanism
  • Repair of Korean garden
  • Excavation, conservation and adaption of monuments
  • Repair and restoration of natural monuments
  • Construction & Quantity Surveying of the Landscape's Cultural Heritage
  • Conservation and Management of Natural Monument
  • Conservation & Management Theory of Scenic Places
  • Research on Building Uigwe of Traditional Architecture
  • Research on Building Code of Traditional Architecture
  • Study of Korea, China, Japan Ancient garden
  • Landscape Facilities Constructor
  • Preservation of Cultural Properties·Preventive Landscape
  • Planning & Design Traditional
  • landscape Ⅰ·Ⅱ
  • Safety Diagnosis of The secretariat site · Design for Construction Restoration
  • Modern Landscape Cultural Heritage(Modern Garden ad Park
  • 3D Digital Garden Design
  • Planning of Traditional Garden and Restoration Design
  • Heritage ConservationPractice Studies
  • Heritage Painting Practice Studies
  • Heritage survey and design Practice Studies
  • Cultural Heritage plant protection
  • Cultural Heritage plant protection Practice Studies
  • Cultural Heritage conservation science
  • Heritage Landscape Practice Studies
  • The law about heritage repair Practice Studies
  • Conservation Philosophy of World Heritage
  • Maintenance Theory of Modern Cultural Heritage
  • Theory of Modern Cultural Heritage Repair Technique
  • Conservation and Restoration of World Heritage
  • Practice Studies for Traditional Technique's UtilizationⅠ
  • Practice Studies for Traditional Technique's UtilizationⅡ
  • Literature Studies of Urban Architectural Heritage
  • Revitalization Theory of Urban Architectural Heritage
  • Housing Studies of Urban Residence, Town and Village
  • Adhesive and Filling materials for Architectural Heritage
  • Independent Study(Urban Architecture)Ⅰ
  • Independent Study(Urban Architecture)Ⅱ
  • The Methods of Writing Practical Reports
  • Load and Response of Traditional Architecture
  • Earthquake Resistance Design of Architectural Heritage
  • Parametric Design of Traditional Wooden Structure
  • Application Programming Interface Design Traditional Wooden Structure
  • Special lecture on the history of Korean architecture
  • Studies of Value Interpretation in World Heritage I
  • Studies of Value Interpretation in World Heritage II
  • Case Studies of World Heritage Impact Assessment
  • World Heritage and Climate Change
  • Standard & Principles of traditional landscape
  • Cultural heritage structure and engineering
  • Tradtional landscape structure and engineering
  • Heritage conservation and adaption
  • Traditional Landscape Case study of cultural heritage repairs
  • Case study of cultural heritage repairs(Architectural)
  • Case study of Tradtional landscape repair
  • Cultural heritage construction and estimation
  • Cultural heritage supervision
  • Cultural Heritage & Construction Methods
  • Introduction of Remote Sensing for Natural Heritage
  • GIS for Natural HeritageⅠ·Ⅱ
  • Climate Change Planing for Management Ⅰ·Ⅱ
  • Safety Diagnosis of Natural Heritage
  • Digitalized restoration design Natural heritagesis
  • Traditional landscape construction and estimation
  • Restoration of Geologic HeritageⅠ·Ⅱ
  • Ecological Theory and Biodiversity Restoration
  • At least 12 credits were completed for each major course regardless of grade.
  • At the time of completion of other majors, the elective courses for each major are recognized as follows.
  • However, only 4 subjects (12 credits) for master's degree and 6 subjects (18 credits) for doctor's degree are recognized as applicable majors.
  • Duplicate classes are not acceptable.Enrollment and course registration
Major Select Degree Program in Conservation-Restoration
  • Introduction to Heritage Studies(Preservation·Restoration)
  • Art history research
  • Analysis of Heritage Foundation
  • History of Science and Technology
  • Conservation Environment of ethical standards
  • Preservation of Heritage
  • ReHeritagestoration Materials of Heritage
  • Conservation and Technology of Heritage
  • Statistics of Heritage
  • Science of Heritage
  • Independent Study(Conservation)Ⅰ・Ⅱ
  • Independent Study(Restoration)Ⅰ・Ⅱ
  • Cultural Heritage practiceⅠ・Ⅱ
  • Biochemistry of Cultural Property
  • Dating of Heritage
  • Conservation Study on Metal Materials
  • Conservation of Cultural Sites
  • Study on Metallurgy
  • Technology of Stone Conservation
  • Study on Stone Material
  • Restoration Techniques of Stony Cultural Property
  • Safety Diagnosis Techniques of Stone Pagoda
  • Technology of Wood Conservation
  • Advanced Conservation of Lacquer and wooden Craft
  • Technology of Waterlogged Wood Conservation
  • Conservation Techniques of Ancient Lacquer
  • Advanced Emergency Treatment in Conservation Science
  • Advanced Conservation of Wooden construction materials
  • Anatomy of Wood
  • Lacquer Techniques
  • Study on Manufacturing Techniques of Mural Paintings
  • Conservation Techniques of Oil Paintings
  • Conservation Technology of Mural Paintings
  • Techniques of Traditional Finishing Materials
  • Technology of Fiber Conservation
  • Traditional Dying Technoloy
  • Study on Archive Conservation
  • Analytics of New Materials
  • Conservation Techniques of Western Paper
  • Conservation Techniques of Modern Cultural Property
  • Analysis Technology of Cultural Property
  • Conservation Precedent of Cultural Property
  • Conservation Environment of Cultural Property
  • Analytics of Inorganic Materials
  • Conservation Techniques of Worldwide Heritage
  • Study on Traditional Pigment
  • Indoor Conservation and Environment Technology
  • Environment Control Technology of Cultural Properties
  • Control of Biology in Cultural Properties
  • Preventive Biology and Technology of Cultural Property
  • Materials of Traditional Technology
  • Study on Macromolecule Materials
  • Analytical Chemistry of Organic Materials
  • Technology of Archaeological Environment Conservation
  • Topics of Measurement Technology for Conservation Environment
  • Topics of Biology for Cultural Heritage
  • Topics of Material Analysis for Modern and Contemporary Cultural Heritage
  • Topics of Evaluation Technology for Biological Damage of Cultural Heritage
  • Topics of Traditional Organci Material
  • Topics of Restoration Method for Cultural Properties
  • Topics of Inorganic Material Cultural Heritage
  • Topics of Restoration for Matal Cultural Properties
  • Topics of Research Method for Conservation and Management of Movable Cultural Properties
  • Traditional painting and preservationⅠ・Ⅱ
  • A Study on the cultural heritage materialsⅠ・Ⅱ
  • Traditional decoration of exerciseⅠ・Ⅱ
  • A Study on the conversation in cultural reproductionⅠ・Ⅱ
  • A paper cultural properties of ConservationⅠ・Ⅱ
  • Paper preservation techniques
  • A Study on the Material in paper cultural reproduction Ⅰ・Ⅱ
  • A Study on the conversation in cultural reproductionⅠ・Ⅱ
  • Statistics Practice of Heritage
  • Analysis Practice of Heritage
  • Practice Studies for Field-ApplicationⅠ・Ⅱ
  • Practice Studies for Practical ManagementⅠ・Ⅱ
  • Practice Studies for Traditional Technique's RestorationⅠ・Ⅱ
  • Techniques of Traditional Fabric Restoration
  • Production Technology of Ceramics
  • Materials Science of Ceramics Restoration
  • Materials Science of Ceramics
  • Basic Science of Ceramics Production
  • Analysis Technology of Ceramics
  • Clay Mineralogy
  • Physical Properties of Ceramics
  • Restoration Technology of Ceramics
  • Science of Rocks and Minerals
  • Analysis Technology of Rock Materials
  • Rock Mechanics of Stone Cultural Properties
  • Ground Safety Engineering of Stone Pagoda
  • Conservation philosophy
  • Study on the Technology of Cultural Heritage Production
  • Advanced Tree-Ring Dating
  • Advanced Material for Preservation and Restoration
  • Advanced Material Analysis of Wooden Cultural Heritage
  • 'Dancheong' Conservation Technique
  • Advanced Analysis on paints and varnishes in Korea
  • Advanced Dendrology
  • Advanced Science of Wood and Paper
  • Special Discussion on Cultural Heritage-related laws and Conservation Ethics
  • Advanced Corrosion and Corrosion Protection of Metal and Alloy
  • Advanced analytics of Metal and Alloy
  • Seminar on Ancient Metal Materials
  • Digital Restoration Technique and Utilization Conservation
  • Technique for Modern Inorganic Materials
  • Physical Property of Restoration Materials
  • Reinforcement Technology for Cultural Heritage
  • Conservation Environment of ethical standards
  • Heritage practiceⅠ・Ⅱ
  • Conservation Precedent of Heritage
  • Planning for Conservation Treatment
  • Ancient Metalwork Technology
  • Bonding and Restoration Materials for Cultural Heritage
  • Science and Technology for the Diagnosis
  • Restoration of Metalwork Techniques
  • Conservation Techniques of Modern Cultural Property
  • At least 12 credits were completed for each major course regardless of grade.
  • At the time of completion of other majors, the elective courses for each major are recognized as follows.
  • However, only 4 subjects (12 credits) for master's degree and 6 subjects (18 credits) for doctor's degree are recognized as applicable majors.
  • Duplicate classes are not acceptable.